Dear GSVRHA Members,

The Grand Entry at the Peter Smoot Memorial Show was very moving for participants, so much so that no photographs captured the moment. We apologize for that but the first article in this issue describes the event. Following that is a listing of results. Read on to learn which one of our own talented youths has been honored by the AQHA. Pictures show some of the improvements at the site of the October Central Coast Fall Classic. The first “You Be The Judge” question has a winner and the October WSVRHA Finals are shaping up to be even bigger and better than ever. Read all about it in this issue and get your entries in soon. Our first “You Be The Judge” winner is revealed and finally the Quote of the Month.

Wishing ++ runs for all of us.

Dawn Poston, Editor

Send comments, concerns, & ideas to

The Power Was Out, But The Moment Was Powerful

The Peter Smoot Memorial VRH Show

The power was out throughout Carmel Valley so the special Grand Entry in honor of Peter Smoot went forward without amplification. The riders and colors entered the arena, followed by a series of evocative moments; Tom Clifford led the competitors in an accapello rendition of our National Anthem, with all competitors taking part. Then Sarah Clifford rode in leading Peter’s horse Dillon. She said, “This is Dillon Starlight, a horse that most of you recognize as Peter Smoot’s. Dillon is a hard horse to ignore in the midst of any competition. He and Peter became that pair that had everyone sitting up and taking notice. Above all, Peter and Dillon had become regular winners in the cattle classes, and I think that’s what this pair enjoyed most. But recently, they were a force in EVERY class, winning their division in the Central Coast Ranch Horse Classic in May. As you make your way through this competition that had become such a part of Peter’s life, I ask that you remember Peter and Dillon and how they made their way through similar days. Those of you in novice will remember Peter as always supportive of his fellow competitors, a student of the sport, competing intensely, as delighted with wife Kim’s victories as he was with his own. This good horse is the perfect representative of Peter: powerful, intelligent, helpful, friendly, talented. You will see Dillon working on the grounds today. Give him a pat and a kind word when you can, and let him remind you that this day is in honor of Peter Smoot.”

The group was deeply moved by her words. The Grand Entry concluded with a prayer from the Old Testament, “The Lord bless you, and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.”

Peter’s wife Kim Smoot, daughter Jessica Smoot, and many of their family members attended the Grand Entry and show. It was a great day dedicated to a great man.

Donations Made to the Peter Smoot Memorial Youth Fund

We join the Smoot family in thanking the following persons for making donations on behalf of Peter Smoot to our Youth Fund. Golden State VRH is a beautiful family.

  • Sharon & Larry Bacon
  • Sharon & Chris Bryant
  • Kelly & Oliver Dixon
  • Dawn Poston & Steve Bloch
  • Jody Smith
  • Janie Welch
  • Kathy Torres
  • Jen Harden
  • Michelle Le Claire and Kids
  • Janet McGarvey
  • Cathy & Elizabeth Landoli
  • The Clifford Family

Kensley Hennessy

Golden State Youth Honored by AQHA

Kensley Hennessy has been named the California AQHA Intermediate Youth of the Year. Sponsored by Justin Boots, she received a lovely buckle and a certificate for a pair of new Justin boots of her choosing.

The Justin Intermediate Exhibitor of the Year is to encourage and celebrate amateur and youth exhibitors who have earned their first Level 2 or Level 3 points in any event. Once they’ve earned their first half point the AQHA sends a letter inviting the exhibitor to participate in the program. For that one calendar year, all Level 2 and Level 3 points are added together to culminate in their final totals.

The program is split into two branches: Location and Age Group. In the location category, a buckle and a Justin Boots certificate are given to the highest point winner in each state. In the age group category, a buckle, Justin Boots certificate, and either scholarships or cash prizes are given to the highest point winner. (Individual VRH class points do not count to towards this program; only the VRH All-Around points count.)

So if an envelope comes from the AQHA be sure to open it. Maybe YOU are being invited to participate.

Central Coast Fall Classic

New Look For “Old” San Luis Obispo Show

We have a new/old show returning to the Golden State lineup of shows. Ranch owner and show manager Dawn Walker Meinhold will be sharing her newly redone San Luis Obispo training stables for the Central Coast Fall Classic October 1-3. This three-day event will feature a clinic along with the show. Come enjoy the beautiful weather and fine restaurants that San Luis Obispo has to offer. Debby Sanguinetti and Bill Sanguinetti are the judges and Mike Lund is one of the clinicians. Further details will be on soon.

Beautiful stabling facilities

Doesn't this pen just beg for a reining pattern?

WSVRHA Finals October 21-24

Don’t Miss It!

Ask anyone who has attended and they will tell you that the WSVRHA Finals in Las Vegas is an amazing show with more fun than can be described. Meet up with old friends and make new friends from the different VRH affiliates. Enjoy the standard VRH classes plus the fun special events. Horseman’s Park is perfect for the competition, which is why we keep going back! Designed for competitors, everything is close and convenient. This year there is a brand new indoor arena for our pleasure.

Facilities map for Horseman's Park

New covered Flamingo Arena

Inside the Flamingo Arena

Sun-shaded Main Arena

Ranch Riding Freestyle competitors from 2019

There will be two WSVRHA competitions, two AQHA VRH competitions and a Ranching Heritage Challenge. Along with the competitions there will be a number of fun events. Friday night there will be a barrel race open to all with light finger food and beverages sponsored by affiliate AzVRHA. Saturday night will be a return of the ever-popular Free Style Ranch Riding Jackpot competition (check web site for rules & description) with NVQHA sponsoring a dinner for all. On Sunday afternoon, GSVRHA will sponsor food and beverages during the WSVRHA Awards Ceremony. WS is known for their amazing and creative prizes, so come get some!

Yes it’s out of California, and a bit of a haul, but worth every wheel turn. Consider joining up with other members and travel together, making it even more fun. Granted Google Maps doesn’t take into consideration pulling a horse trailer, but it shows Las Vegas as 6 hours from Paso Robles, 7 hours from Modesto, and 7 hours from Salinas. Think of how long it took horses to get to the Olympics! Doesn’t seem so bad now does it?

Come on, enter, do it!

Congratulations To Heather Bryant

First “You Be The Judge” Winner

Heather was the first to choose option “C” as the correct answer. Kudos to Chris Bugenig, Samantha Scanlan and Jen Harden for also submitting correct answers. Margaret Pare had a different take on it and suggested that another option would be “to run down to the center a little angled and stop past center, in the center.”

Click here to view the “You be the Judge” question from last month’s newsletter

Quote of the Month

Pat Summitt, Head Coach, University of Tennessee Women’s Basketball Team

“Winning is fun… Sure. But winning is not the point. Wanting to win is the point. Not giving up is the point. Never letting up is the point. Never being satisfied with what you’ve done is the point.”